Comprehensive Foundational
Health Analysis in Fair Lawn

Chiropractic Care in Fair Lawn NJ

Initial Consultation Includes:
Extensive Polyphasic Health Questionnaire $49.95

Utilizing investigational lab testing, we can ascertain the most appropriate diet and vitamin supplementation that your body needs. Four out of five people consume vitamins daily, however, only 24% go through lab testing to determine what their body truly requires to prevent and improve upon existing comorbidities.

Typical blood test results are within a range that was originally created for an unhealthy population.

Optimum blood test values fall within variable ranges to achieve a better state of health, not just identify disease and/or pathology.

Our foundational blood analysis will categorize this information from your health history, exam, and blood tests. We will then recommend lifestyle, diet, and supplementation customized to your needs to improve overall health.

After several months, follow-up lab tests and analysis will be performed to determine additional assistance.

Because we take our responsibility as health care providers very seriously, we want to assist you reach the best potential health status you are able to achieve.

We are offering our health history assessment and in-office consultation to all of our existing patient population for $49.95. This includes our extensive health history questionnaire, nutritional profile, body composition analysis, pulse oximetry, blood pressure and pulse rate, and cortisol saliva assessment. This will assist the doctor in determining which lab tests need to be ordered.

Call today as these appointments are limited to a first-come, first-serve basis, due to time limitation.

**** Additional cost associated with program for follow up consultation/exam, blood tests, hair analysis, and nutritional supplements.


By Appointment Only

CareCredit Accepted